Cendres sur les mains Laurent Gaudé

Company Le Théâtre Debout / Collective direction

Casting: Vincent Arnaud, Martin Dubuis, Lucile Dupla, Charlotte Michelin.
Music composed, played and mixed by Franck Capelle


In a country destroyed by the war, two men are in charge of burning bodies. A woman, left for dead woman, gets up. They feed her, take care of her, ask to maintain the stake. She does not speak to them, does not address only the dead.

Shocked by the way are handled the remains of his, the Survivor makes at first every effort to return their dignity to the twisted, muddled corpses; to settle gradually as the representative of a memory.

The Survivor, only. – They leave me alone with them. I don’t know why. I keep doing what I have to do. They don’t come. They stay away from me and them. I stay there. Most of the time. I do what I have to do. I learn them by heart. […] I have to. Empty myself. Let everything flow out of me. So I forget. Yes. The rest. Snippets of life of the past. I forget. I have to make room. To be sure to hold them all.